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週末の無料宿泊。 IHG® One Rewardsのプラチナエリート会員資格とそれに伴う特典 ご滞在ごとにUSD20までのレストラン&バークレジットを進呈
中国本土のみ ご宿泊1泊につき1名朝食無料
ウェブサイトの申請ページにアクセスし、「延長申請」をクリックしてください。 アンバサダー・カスタマー・サービスのEメールアドレス(ambassador@ihg.com)宛にEメールを送信してください。
An InterContinental Ambassador Membership Extension may be awarded to select Ambassadors who meet the criteria below.To be eligible for a two (2) month extension, individuals must have an active Ambassador membership and must not have redeemed a two-month extension in the past. Ambassador members whose membership has expired are not eligible for this extension. Eligible Ambassador members may request this benefit once per lifetime. If a member elects to use this offer, their Ambassador membership will extend for an additional two months beyond when it would have otherwise expired. This is a one-time offer per member and once the extension is applied to their account, this action is considered final and is not reversible.
To be eligible for a six (6) month extension, individuals must have an active Ambassador membership that is in its second or greater consecutive membership year, and must not have redeemed a six-month extension in the past. Ambassador members whose membership has expired are not eligible for this extension. Eligible Ambassador members may request this benefit once per lifetime. If a member elects to use this offer, their Ambassador membership will extend for an additional six months beyond when it would have otherwise expired. This is a one-time offer per member and once the extension is applied to their account, this action is considered final and is not reversible.
Membership Extensions are granted at the discretion of IHG® and may be denied, ended, or amended with or without notice or compensation, at IHG’s sole discretion. Any extension granted excludes the extension or issuance of any Complimentary Weekend Night certificates.
Extensions for Royal Ambassadors are not available.
The two (2) and six (6) month membership extensions cannot be combined into a combined eight (8) month extension. The two different extension periods must be applied in two (2) separate membership years.
Subject: Request for a Two-Month Extension of InterContinental Ambassador Membership
Dear InterContinental Ambassador Team,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to kindly request an extension of my InterContinental Ambassador membership for an additional two months. My current membership is set to expire on [current membership expiration date], and I have thoroughly enjoyed the benefits and privileges that come with being an InterContinental Ambassador.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have not been able to fully utilize the membership during its current term. However, I have several upcoming stays planned at InterContinental properties, and I believe that extending my membership would allow me to make the most of this valuable program. The additional two months would enable me to take full advantage of the benefits and enhance my overall experience with InterContinental hotels.
I am more than willing to pay any associated fees for the extension and understand that this request is subject to availability and approval. I am committed to continuing my loyal patronage of the InterContinental brand and am looking forward to the possibility of an extension to my membership.
Please let me know the necessary steps or any documentation required to facilitate this extension. I am available to provide any further information if needed and can be reached at [your contact information].
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I hope for a positive response to my request. I have always appreciated the excellent service and exceptional experiences provided by InterContinental hotels, and I am excited to continue this partnership.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your InterContinental Ambassador Membership Number]
[Your Contact Information]